Moving again. Young men mechanics moving refrigerator

Before you choose the moving company 

For some people moving to another place is a funny and enjoyable experience. However, for the majority it’s still quite a stressing and challenging task, and no matter how often they have to change their home address, they still commit the same mistakes over and over again. One of the biggest failures in this deal is that all the preparations and things on the to-do list are usually left for the last day before the moving company arrives, which causes even more stress. That is why we highly recommend you start preparing right away and make sure you get your things done before the important day comes. Knowing exactly what you have to do on the moving day and organizing everything beforehand will save your time and efforts. At the same, of the same importance is to know what you shouldn’t do as well, especially considering how much a moving day mistake may cost you. In order to plan all the details and be ready to the moving day, check out the most common mistakes to avoid.

Thinking that packing won’t take much time

This misunderstanding is really the most common. Very often people underestimate the amount of things they need to pack and don’t quite realize that packing is a very time consuming process, which cannot be done within one day only. Leaving everything for the night before the moving company arrives is an absolutely deceiving tactic that will definitely stress you out. Therefore, in order to do everything right, you should do the following:

  • Make up a schedule for packing your things and follow it. One day you may dedicate to packing your kitchen stuff, another day for cleaning the bathroom and so on.
  • Start packing right after you know for sure you are going to leave. Spending one hour a day on packing is better than doing the same three days in a row without a sleep before you actually leave.
  • Buy the packing boxes beforehand.
  • Ask people for help! If packing on your own seems unbearable, you may order this service from movers in Los Angeles or ask you friends to help you.

Not packing the essentials bag

If you are going to make a long trip to get to your new place of living, you need to have a bag of essentials to use during the trip. Once all your stuff is already packed, you won’t be able to get the things you need out of the boxes. And if you decide to do it anyway, it will cause only more stress to unpack your things and then packing them again. Therefore, make sure you have a bag with the most essential clothes, including underwear and a couple of socks, your daily cosmetics and medicine, if needed, and other items that you use every day at home.

Leaving to-do list for the last day

This is not really the best way to succeed even if you have a strict plan of the moving process. As a rule, things take more time than we may think and if you are trying to manage everything in just one day, chances are that you will forget a lot and everything will just get messed up. Therefore, we recommend you accomplishing all the tasks and finishing your to-do list before the moving day. After all, isn’t it better to spend the last day of living in your old house just relaxing with a glass of wine instead of packing your stuff in an extreme mode?

Also, you need to take care about the moving day safety. When movers in Los Angeles arrive to pick up your stuff, there’s going to be lots of chaos at your home. If you have little kids, you will have to keep them away from the moving mess. A good idea would be to ask someone to look after them in advance. And if you have pets, you’d better to do the same and make sure they won’t create even more mess on the moving day.

At the same time, no matter how much you have to do, you can always consider a wide range of services that movers in Los Angeles offer their customers. If packing is not really your biggest strength, experienced packers can help you with packing your stuff professionally and quickly, which will certainly make your moving process easier and less stressful. You can order this service in advance and that will guarantee you a good discount. 

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